The Art of Charles Sovek
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Gallery | Gallery Favorites

"Taos Laundry"
The choice of deleting old work and replacing it with new was made for Charles by the very large response he received about the gallery. So he left all the paintings intact and rename it "Favorites." The painting's size, medium and title will appear when you click on its thumbnail image.

Acrylics - Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5


Oils - Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 5 | Gallery 6


Gouache - Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3


Watercolors - Gallery 1 | Gallery 2


Other Gallery Sections: Most Recent | Oldies but Goodies | Collector's Corner | Gallery Home

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